The Rev Joseph Ernest Eve was born at Maidstone in Kent in the year 1867. After leaving school he started his career in London, having passed his examinations for the civil service.
During those early years he became a zealous worker at the East London Tabernacle, then under the pastoral care of the Rev Archibald Brown. Later he became an active worker at Rye Lane Baptist Church in South London.
In l895 he came to Cape Town and became a member of the Wale Street Baptist Church and entered service in the Young Mens Christain Association, also assisting with preaching services at Claremont. The following year he was invited to help in starting a Baptist work in Queenstown, and in 1897 a church was formed there under his care.
The burden of work amongst the Africans was laid heavily upon his heart, and he now commenced missionary work at Mpotula. At about this time Mrs Woodward, a widowed daughter of Rev Archibald Brown, and formerly a missionary in China, came from England to marry him, and subsequent to their marriage in 1898 they laboured together at Glen Grey until 1907. New stations were started at Tsolokazi and Kolonga and at all three stations new churches were erected. During these years they were the missionary representatives of the Cape Town Baptist Churches and were supported by these.
In reply to a call from the Grahamstown Church, Joseph accepted the oversight of the pastorate and laboured happily in that city for nine years, after which he again took up work with the Young Mens Christian Association in Cape Town. For a short time too Joseph represented the British and Foreign Bible Society in the Eastern Province, during which time they made their home in Queenstown.
In 1919 the acceptance of a call from the Taylor Street Baptist Church, King Williams Town, brought Joseph back into the full time ministry and he served the congregation acceptably until 1923 when he responded to an invitation from the Pietermaritzburg church, where much blessing attended a four year ministry.
The scene of his last and longest pastorate was Wynberg, Cape Town, from 1928-1944, where his memory is honoured still.
Written by: Syd Hudson-Reed
Looking at all the biographical sketches, give you inspirtaion also to ake a step in faith.