Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ours is the Frontier

Product Description

G.W. Cross was one of the founders of the Baptist Union of South Africa, its first General Secretary, and four times its President. This biography traces the life of a pastor who was dearly loved and honoured in his time.

What kind of man was he? He was reserved and sometimes remote, yet he attracted many and diverse friends. Sensitive and imaginative, he would have liked to be a scholar, a writer, a poet, yet his time was increasingly taken up with practical affairs. In his early years in South Africa Cross found himself facing serious theological problems, and consequently withdrew from the ministry until he had found answers that satisfied his mind and heart. After five years he was able to return to the ministry with renewed vigour. His ministry was not confined to his church but also found expression in his service to the community.

His involvement in education, social service and the arts (especially literature) brought him into contact with some leading personalities of the time amongst whom were Olive Schreiner, Francis Carey Slater and the Rev. James Moffat. His life also touched the lives of President S.J.P. Kruger, President F.W. Reitz and General J.C. Smuts.

Cross’s 43 years in this country, from his arrival in 1877 to his death in 1920, span some of the most important events in its history – the discovery of gold in the Witwatersrand, the Anglo-Boer War, and the unification of the separate colonies as a British Dominion in 1910.

Product Detail
Paperback: 253 pages
Publisher: University of South Africa (1986)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0 86981 383 8
Product Dimensions:
Shipping Weight:
Average Customer Review:
Price: R75.00

To purchase a copy of this book please contact the Baptist Union Historical Society.

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